Summer Research Projects
This page lists the summer students research projects facilitated by the IndIGO consortium over the past years.
Mentor: Eric Gustafson
Project: Investigation of excess noise in high-current photodetection
Mentor: Gabriele Vajente
Project: Crackling noise in mechanical systems
Mentor: Chris Wipf
Project: Quantization noise reduction in the LIGO digital control systems
Mentor: K G Arun
Project: Ready to use gravitational waveforms from spinning compact binaries
Presently selected as a graduate student at CMI.
Mentors: Matthew Abernathy, Koji Arai
Project: Design of a coating-less reference cavity with total internal reflection
Mentors: Manasadevi P Thirugnanasambandam, Jenne Driggers, Rana Adhikari
Project: Implementing an Alignment Sensing and Control System for the 40m Prototype Interferometer
Mentors: P. Ajith
Project: Visualization of the dynamics and gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries
Mentor: K G Arun
Project: Intrinsic curvature of post-Newtonian signal manifold
Presently a graduate student at CMI.
Mentors: Jonathan Leong, Jacob Slutsky, Hartmut Grote
Project: Commissioning of GEO600 detector
Mentors: Jonathan Leong, Jacob Slutsky, Hartmut Grote
Project: Commissioning of GEO600 detector
Mentors: Andrew Lundgren, Sanjeev Dhurandhar
Project: Data characterization
Mentor: Patrick Dasgupta
Project: Gravitational wave signals from spinning white dwarfs and white dwarfs in binary
Mentor: Patrick Dasgupta
Project: Gravitational wave signals from spinning white dwarfs and white dwarfs in binary
Mentor: Tarun Souradeep
Project: Tendex & Vortex field lines of gravity
Mentor: Sanjit Mitra, Tarun Souradeep
Project: GW background from cosmic mergers events (IUCAA grad school project)
Mentor: Sanjit Mitra
Project: Adaptive Noise Cancellation in GW Interferometers
Mentor: Sanjit Mitra
Topic: GW sources (reading project)
Mentor: Sanjit Mitra
Topic: GW detectors (reading project)
Mentor: Sanjit Mitra
Topic: GW data analysis (reading project)
Mentor: Archana Pai
Project: Study of detector networks and figure of merits
Mentor: Archana Pai
Project: Gravitational Wave Detector Networks and Compact Coalescing Binaries
Mentor: Bala Iyer
Project: General Relativity and its Applications
Mentor: Bala Iyer and Ryuichi Fujita
Project: A study of Gravitational radiation from inspiralling binary sources and data analysis
Mentor: Bala Iyer and Ryuichi Fujita
Project: A study of Gravitational radiation from inspiralling binary sources and data analysis
Mentors: Rana Adhikari and Jenne Driggers
Project: Prototyping Adaptive Feed-Forward Seismic Noise Cancellation at the 40m Interferometer
Mentors: Rana Adhikari and Suresh Doravari
Project: Diagnosis of the 40m Prototype Interferometer With Auxiliary Laser-Beam Injection
Project: Testing violin string mode of a ribbon suspension
Project: Siesmoeter data logging
Mentor: Soumya Mohanty
Project: GW Network Analysis
Mentor: Soumya Mohanty
Project: GW Null Streams and glitches.
Mentor: Soma Mukherjee.
Project: Blind Source Separation and GW burst analysis
Mentor: Soumya Mohanty
Project: article Swarm Optimization and LISA data analysis
Mentor: K. G. Arun
Topic: Gravitational waves (reading course)
Presently a Graduate student at University of Mississippi, USA.
Mentor: K. G. Arun
Topic: Gravitational waves (reading course)
Presently a graduate student at University of Cinncinnati (High energy Physics Expt)
Mentor: Archana Pai
Project: Gravitational Wave Burst Detection in Noisy Data
Mentor: Archana Pai
Project: Periodic Gravitational Waves in Noisy Data
Mentor: Archana Pai
Project: Supernovae in Binary Systems
Mentor: Bala Iyer
Project: Special Relativity and Applications to ED
Mentor: Bala Iyer
Project: Special Relativity and Applications to ED
Mentor: Bala Iyer
Project: General Relativity and its Applications
Mentors: Rana Adhikari and Koji Arai
Project: Wavefront Sensing and Control
Mentors: Rana Adhikari and Koji Arai
Project: Finite Element Analysis of Seismic Isolation Stacks at the 40-Meter Interferometer
Mentors: Rana Adhikari and Koji Arai
Project: Building a Magnetic Suspension System at the Caltech 40m Interferometer
Project: Vibration isolation characterisation-LaCoste springs, Prototype Euler-LaCost stage and vaccum control
Project: Inviomental data monitoring
Project: Remote control of CO2 laser shutter, Testing LaCost spring, GPIB data acquisition
Project: Laser intensity stabilisation
Project: Modelling of superspring pre-isolator system
Mentor: Malik Rakhmanov
Mentor: Malik Rakhmanov
Mentor: Soumya Mohanty
Project: Particle Swarm Optimization and LISA data analysis
Mentor : Bala Iyer and C.S. Unnikrishnan
Project: Time domain and frequency domain simulation of the TIFR-IndIGO 3-m
interferometer and prototype gravitational wave detector.
Mentor : Bala Iyer
Project: Introduction to gravitational radiation and GW from binaries in elliptical orbits.
Project: Vacuum system control software
Publication: Vaccum 85 2010
Project: Vibration isolation characterisation-LaCoste springs
Project: Particle Swarm Optimization and LISA data analysis
Mentor: Soumya Mohanty
Mentor: Archana Pai
Project: Detecting GWaves from Binary Systems
Mentor : Bala Iyer
Project: Gravitational waves from eccentric binaries
Mentor: Bala Iyer
Project: Basics of General Relativity and introduction to Gravitational Radiation
Mentor : Bala Iyer and C.S. Unnikrishnan
Project: Time domain and frequency domain simulation of the TIFR-IndIGO 3-m
interferometer and prototype gravitational wave detector.
Summer students from the past:
- 2015
- 2013
- 2012
- Chinmay Kalaghatgi, CMI, Siruseri
- Adwait Dongare, IIT Bombay
- Gautam Venugopalan, IIT Madras
- Swetha Bhagwat, IISER Pune
- Uma Garg, Delhi University
- Priyanka Singh, Delhi University
- Saikat Chatterjee, Presidency College, Kolkata
- Anirban Ain, IUCAA
- Nikhil Mukund Menon, NIT, Calicut
- Tanmayee Gupte, Fergusson College, Pune
- Zainab Hakim, Fergusson College, Pune
- Masroor C P, Calicut Universoty
- Jethin P. J, IIT-Chennai
- Gaurav Dhariwal, IISER-TVM
- Madhusudan Raman, St. Josephs College, Bangalore
- Ashok Choudhary, IISER, Pune
- Vijay Varma, BITS, Pilani
- 2011
- Ishwita Saikia, Delhi University
- Sonali Mohapatra
- Sourav Kumar Sahoo, IISER-Kolkata
- Gagan Preet Singh, IISER-Mohali
- Santosh Sundaresan
- Swetha Bhagwat
- Avani Gowardhan
- Challenger Mishra
- Sagnik De, CMI Chennai
- Souvik Sarkar, CMI Chennai
- Harish Lingam, IISER-TVM
- Soma Naren Chowdhury, IISER-TVM
- K. Rakshatha
- Madhusudan Raman, St. Josephs College, Bangalore
- Sumanth Reddy, St. Josephs College, Bangalore
- Madhusudan Raman, St. Josephs College, Bangalore
- 2010
- Nancy Aggarwal, IIT Bombay
- Gopal Nataraj
- Sharmila Dhevi Gunasekaran Gnanam
- Abhishek Sharan, IIT Delhi
- Parampreet Singh Walia, IIT Delhi
- Pushkar Kopparla, IIT Delhi
- Jaspreet Sandhu, IIT Delhi
- Siddartha S Verma, Cochin University of Science & Technology
- Dibya Chakraborty
- Amit Nag
- Avneet Antal
- Sibasis Banerjee
- Aseem Rastogi, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India
- Anton Joe, IIT, Kharagpur, India
- 2009
Arjun Iyer, IIT Madras
Host: California Institute of TechnologyMentor: Eric Gustafson
Project: Investigation of excess noise in high-current photodetection

Sai Kanth Dacha, IIT Madras
Host: California Institute of TechnologyMentor: Gabriele Vajente
Project: Crackling noise in mechanical systems

Ayush Pandey, IIT Kharagpur
Host: California Institute of TechnologyMentor: Chris Wipf
Project: Quantization noise reduction in the LIGO digital control systems

Aditya Kela, CMI, Siruseri
Host: Chennai Mathematical Instt, Siruseri (undergrad thesis)Mentor: K G Arun
Project: Ready to use gravitational waveforms from spinning compact binaries
Presently selected as a graduate student at CMI.
Deep Chatterjee, IISER Kolkata
Host: California Institute of TechnologyMentors: Matthew Abernathy, Koji Arai
Project: Design of a coating-less reference cavity with total internal reflection

Gautam Venugopalan, IIT Madras
Host: California Institute of TechnologyMentors: Manasadevi P Thirugnanasambandam, Jenne Driggers, Rana Adhikari
Project: Implementing an Alignment Sensing and Control System for the 40m Prototype Interferometer

Ankit Singh, BITS Pilani
Host: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, TIFR, BangaloreMentors: P. Ajith
Project: Visualization of the dynamics and gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries

Chinmay Kalaghatgi, CMI, Siruseri
Host: Chennai Mathematical Instt, Siruseri (undergraduate thesis)Mentor: K G Arun
Project: Intrinsic curvature of post-Newtonian signal manifold
Presently a graduate student at CMI.
Adwait Dongare, IIT Bombay
Host: Albert Einstein Institute, Hannover, GermanyMentors: Jonathan Leong, Jacob Slutsky, Hartmut Grote
Project: Commissioning of GEO600 detector
Gautam Venugopalan, IIT Madras
Host: Albert Einstein Institute,, Hannover, GermanyMentors: Jonathan Leong, Jacob Slutsky, Hartmut Grote
Project: Commissioning of GEO600 detector
Swetha Bhagwat, IISER Pune
Host: Albert Einstein Institute,, Hannover, GermanyMentors: Andrew Lundgren, Sanjeev Dhurandhar
Project: Data characterization
Uma Garg, Delhi University
Host: Delhi University, New Delhi, IndiaMentor: Patrick Dasgupta
Project: Gravitational wave signals from spinning white dwarfs and white dwarfs in binary
Priyanka Singh, Delhi University
Host: Delhi University, New Delhi, IndiaMentor: Patrick Dasgupta
Project: Gravitational wave signals from spinning white dwarfs and white dwarfs in binary
Saikat Chatterjee, Presidency College, Kolkata
Host: IUCAA, Pune, IndiaMentor: Tarun Souradeep
Project: Tendex & Vortex field lines of gravity
Anirban Ain, IUCAA
Host: IUCAA, Pune, IndiaMentor: Sanjit Mitra, Tarun Souradeep
Project: GW background from cosmic mergers events (IUCAA grad school project)
Nikhil Mukund Menon, NIT, Calicut
Host: IUCAA, Pune, IndiaMentor: Sanjit Mitra
Project: Adaptive Noise Cancellation in GW Interferometers
Tanmayee Gupte, Fergusson College, Pune
Host: IUCAA, Pune, IndiaMentor: Sanjit Mitra
Topic: GW sources (reading project)
Zainab Hakim, Fergusson College, Pune
Host: IUCAA, Pune, IndiaMentor: Sanjit Mitra
Topic: GW detectors (reading project)
Masroor C P, Calicut Universoty
Host: IUCAA, Pune, IndiaMentor: Sanjit Mitra
Topic: GW data analysis (reading project)
Jethin P. J, IIT-Chennai
Host: IISER-TVM, Thiruvananthapuram, IndiaMentor: Archana Pai
Project: Study of detector networks and figure of merits
Gaurav Dhariwal, IISER-TVM
Host: IISER-TVM, Thiruvananthapuram, IndiaMentor: Archana Pai
Project: Gravitational Wave Detector Networks and Compact Coalescing Binaries
Madhusudan Raman, St. Josephs College, Bangalore
Host: Raman Research Institute, BangaloreMentor: Bala Iyer
Project: General Relativity and its Applications
Ashok Choudhary, IISER, Pune
Host: Raman Research Institute, BangaloreMentor: Bala Iyer and Ryuichi Fujita
Project: A study of Gravitational radiation from inspiralling binary sources and data analysis
Vijay Varma, BITS, Pilani
Host: Raman Research Institute, BangaloreMentor: Bala Iyer and Ryuichi Fujita
Project: A study of Gravitational radiation from inspiralling binary sources and data analysis
Ishwita Saikia, Delhi University
Host: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USAMentors: Rana Adhikari and Jenne Driggers
Project: Prototyping Adaptive Feed-Forward Seismic Noise Cancellation at the 40m Interferometer
Sonali Mohapatra
Host: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USAMentors: Rana Adhikari and Suresh Doravari
Project: Diagnosis of the 40m Prototype Interferometer With Auxiliary Laser-Beam Injection
Sourav Kumar Sahoo, IISER-Kolkata
Host: University of Western Australia, Perth, AustraliaProject: Testing violin string mode of a ribbon suspension
Gagan Preet Singh, IISER-Mohali
Host: University of Western Australia, Perth, AustraliaProject: Siesmoeter data logging
Santosh Sundaresan
Host: University of Texas at Brownsville, USAMentor: Soumya Mohanty
Project: GW Network Analysis
Swetha Bhagwat
Host: University of Texas at Brownsville, USAMentor: Soumya Mohanty
Project: GW Null Streams and glitches.
Avani Gowardhan
Host: University of Texas at Brownsville, USAMentor: Soma Mukherjee.
Project: Blind Source Separation and GW burst analysis
Challenger Mishra
Host: University of Texas at Brownsville, USAMentor: Soumya Mohanty
Project: article Swarm Optimization and LISA data analysis
Sagnik De, CMI Chennai
Host: CMI, Chennai, IndiaMentor: K. G. Arun
Topic: Gravitational waves (reading course)
Presently a Graduate student at University of Mississippi, USA.
Souvik Sarkar, CMI Chennai
Host: CMI, Chennai, IndiaMentor: K. G. Arun
Topic: Gravitational waves (reading course)
Presently a graduate student at University of Cinncinnati (High energy Physics Expt)
Harish Lingam, IISER-TVM
Host: IISER-Tvm, Thiruvananthapuram, IndiaMentor: Archana Pai
Project: Gravitational Wave Burst Detection in Noisy Data
Soma Naren Chowdhury, IISER-TVM
Host: IISER-Tvm, Thiruvananthapuram, IndiaMentor: Archana Pai
Project: Periodic Gravitational Waves in Noisy Data
K. Rakshatha
Host: IISER-Tvm, Thiruvananthapuram, India (Summar fellow under Indian Academy of Sciences)Mentor: Archana Pai
Project: Supernovae in Binary Systems
Madhusudan Raman, St. Josephs College, Bangalore
Host: Raman Research Institute, BangaloreMentor: Bala Iyer
Project: Special Relativity and Applications to ED
Sumanth Reddy, St. Josephs College, Bangalore
Host: Raman Research Institute, BangaloreMentor: Bala Iyer
Project: Special Relativity and Applications to ED
Madhusudan Raman, St. Josephs College, Bangalore
Host: Raman Research Institute, BangaloreMentor: Bala Iyer
Project: General Relativity and its Applications
Nancy Aggarwal, IIT Bombay
Host: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USAMentors: Rana Adhikari and Koji Arai
Project: Wavefront Sensing and Control
Gopal Nataraj
Host: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USAMentors: Rana Adhikari and Koji Arai
Project: Finite Element Analysis of Seismic Isolation Stacks at the 40-Meter Interferometer
Sharmila Dhevi Gunasekaran Gnanam
Host: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USAMentors: Rana Adhikari and Koji Arai
Project: Building a Magnetic Suspension System at the Caltech 40m Interferometer
Abhishek Sharan, IIT Delhi
Host: University of Western Australia, Perth, AustraliaProject: Vibration isolation characterisation-LaCoste springs, Prototype Euler-LaCost stage and vaccum control
Parampreet Singh Walia, IIT Delhi
Host: University of Western Australia, Perth, AustraliaProject: Inviomental data monitoring
Pushkar Kopparla, IIT Delhi
Host: University of Western Australia, Perth, AustraliaProject: Remote control of CO2 laser shutter, Testing LaCost spring, GPIB data acquisition
Jaspreet Sandhu, IIT Delhi
Host: University of Western Australia, Perth, AustraliaProject: Laser intensity stabilisation
Siddartha S Verma, Cochin University of Science & Technology
Host: University of Western Australia, Perth, AustraliaProject: Modelling of superspring pre-isolator system
Dibya Chakraborty
Host: University of Texas at Brownsville, USAMentor: Malik Rakhmanov
Amit Nag
Host: University of Texas at Brownsville, USAMentor: Malik Rakhmanov
Avneet Antal
Host: University of Texas at Brownsville, USASibasis Banerjee
Host: University of Texas at Brownsville, USAMentor: Soumya Mohanty
Project: Particle Swarm Optimization and LISA data analysis
Aseem Rastogi, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India
Host: Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, IndiaMentor : Bala Iyer and C.S. Unnikrishnan
Project: Time domain and frequency domain simulation of the TIFR-IndIGO 3-m
interferometer and prototype gravitational wave detector.
Anton Joe, IIT, Kharagpur, India
Host: Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, IndiaMentor : Bala Iyer
Project: Introduction to gravitational radiation and GW from binaries in elliptical orbits.
Jwalit Patel, IIT Delhi
Host: University of Western Australia, Perth, AustraliaProject: Vacuum system control software
Publication: Vaccum 85 2010
Subham Kumar, IIT Delhi
Host: University of Western Australia, Perth, AustraliaProject: Vibration isolation characterisation-LaCoste springs
Challenger Mishra
Host: University of Texas at Brownsville, USAProject: Particle Swarm Optimization and LISA data analysis
Mentor: Soumya Mohanty
Anton Joe, IIT-Kharagpur
Host: IISER-Tvm, Thiruvananthapuram, IndiaMentor: Archana Pai
Project: Detecting GWaves from Binary Systems
Aseem Rastogi, BITS, Goa
Host: Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, IndiaMentor : Bala Iyer
Project: Gravitational waves from eccentric binaries
Raghuvir Kasturi, Hobart and Willam Smith Colleges, USA
Host: Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, IndiaMentor: Bala Iyer
Project: Basics of General Relativity and introduction to Gravitational Radiation
Aseem Rastogi, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India
Host: Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, IndiaMentor : Bala Iyer and C.S. Unnikrishnan
Project: Time domain and frequency domain simulation of the TIFR-IndIGO 3-m
interferometer and prototype gravitational wave detector.