Popular articles
Introduction to Gravitational-Wave Astronomy
- K. S. Thorne, "Gravitational Waves", gr-qc/9506084
- K. S. Thorne, "Gravitational Radiation - A New Window Onto the Universe", gr-qc/9704042
- B. F. Schutz, "Gravitational Radiation", Encycopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, gr-qc/0003069
- B. F. Schutz, "Gravitational wave astronomy", gr-qc/9911034
- P. Ajith and K. G. Arun, Gravitational Wave Astronomy: A new window to the Universe", Resonance, October 2011 Issue.
Sources of Gravitational Waves
- C. Cutler, K. S. Thorne, "An Overview of Gravitational-Wave Sources", gr-qc/0204090
Reviews — Gravitational-wave Astronomy
- B.S. Sathyaprakash and Bernard F. Schutz, "Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology with Gravitational Waves
", Living Reviews in Relativity (2009).
- Keith Riles, Gravitational Waves: Sources, Detectors and Searches
, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics (2012).
Reviews — Gravitational-wave Detection
- Rana X. Adhikari, "Gravitational radiation detection with laser interferometry
", Rev. Mod. Phys. 86, 121 (2014).
- Andreas Freise and Kenneth A. Strain, "Interferometer Techniques for Gravitational-Wave Detection
", Living Rev. Relativity 13 (2010), 1.
- Matthew Pitkin, Stuart Reid, Sheila Rowan and James Hough, "Gravitational Wave Detection by Interferometry
", Living Reviews in Relativity (2011).
- M. Tinto and S. V. Dhurandhar, "Time-Delay Interferometry
", Living Reviews in Relativity (2005).
Reviews — Source modelling
Introductory articles/lecture notes
- Alessandra Buonanno, "Gravitational Waves": arXiv:0709.4682
- Enna Flanagan and Scott Hughes, "The basics of gravitational wave theory": gr-qc/0501041
Post-Newtonian methods
- Luc Blanchet, "Gravitational Radiation from Post-Newtonian Sources and Inspiralling Compact Binaries": arXiv/1310.1528
- Eric Poisson, "Post-Newtonian theory for the common reader"
Perturbation methods
- Emanuele Berti, Vitor Cardoso, Andrei O. Starinets, "Quasinormal modes of black holes and black branes", Class.Quant.Grav. 26 (2009) 163001. arXiv:0905.2975
Numerical relativity
- Joan M. Centrella, John G. Baker, Bernard J. Kelly, James R. van Meter, "Black-hole binaries, gravitational waves, and numerical relativity", Rev. Mod. Phys. 82:3069 (2010), arXiv:1010.5260
- Frans Pretorius, "Binary Black Hole Coalescence", Lecture Note will appear in the book: "Relativistic Objects in Compact Binaries: From Birth to Coalescence" (Editor: Colpi et al. Pulisher: Springer Verlag, Canopus Publishing Limited), arXiv:0710.1338
- Luis Lehner, "Numerical Relativity: A review", gr-qc/0106072
Reviews — Experimental tests of General Relativity
- Clifford Will, "Title: Resource Letter PTG-1: Precision Tests of Gravity", arXiv:1008.0296
- Thibault Damour, "The Equivalence Principle and the Constants of Nature" arXiv:0906.3174
- Thibault Damour and Marc Lilley, "String theory, gravity and experiment"arXiv:08024169
- Thibault Damour, "General relativity today", gr-qc/0704.0754
- Thibault Damour, "Binary systems as test-beds of gravity theories", gr-qc/0704.0749
- Thibault Damour, "General relativity today" (Talk delivered at the Poincar� Seminar "Gravitation et Exp�rience" 28 Oct. 2006, Paris. To appear in the Proceedings to be published by Birkh�user.) arXiv:0704.0754
- Thibault Damour, "Poincare, Relativity, Billiards and Symmetry", hep-th/0501168
- Thibault Damour, "The entropy of black holes: a primer" hep-th/0401160
- Thibault Damour, "Varying Constants", gr-qc/0306023
- Clifford M.Will, "The Confrontation between General Relativity and Experiment", Living Rev. Rel., 4, 4 (2001)
, gr-qc/0510072
- Clifford M.Will, "Was Einstein right? Testing relativity at the centenary", "100 Years of Relativity: Spacetime Structure - Einstein and Beyond", Ed. Abhay Ashtekar. gr-qc/0504086
- Clifford M.Will "Special Relativity: A centenary perspective", Proceedings of the 2005 Seminar - Poincar�, Paris (2005). gr-qc/0504085
- Thibault Damour and Gilles Esposito-Farese "Gravitational-wave versus binary-pulsar tests of strong-field gravity", Phys. Rev. D., 58, 042001 (1998). gr-qc/9803031
- Thibault Damour, "Gravitation, experiment and cosmology", gr-qc/9606079
- Clifford M. Will, "Stable clocks and general relativity", gr-qc/9504017